As of August 5, 2024, we are no longer open for submissions. But please pay attention to this space to make sure you know when the next reading period begins.
Dirty Magick Magazine publishes original short fiction, from 2,000 to 12,500 words. We pay a single-story rate of $50 which is halfway to SFWA qualification and fully HWA eligible.
E-mail “submissions [at]” with your story attached.
Authors should send only one story per reading period (no multiples). Simultaneous submission is fine as long as you withdraw your submission upon acceptance elsewhere. As of now, we are not interested in reprints. Translations, however, are accepted.
We like a variety of stories but will only publish a few styles. Please read closely as these are the rules and they will not be broken.
First and foremost, we are interested in urban fantasy which we define as fantasy adventure fiction which takes place in modern settings. These places can be real or imaginary (although we prefer the former), but the story must have some combination of those typical elements: magic, other sentient races, enchanted objects, and mythical backgrounds. These all may be underground and hidden, but they must play a part in the story.
Next, we want sword and sorcery which we define as fantasy adventure fiction taking place in an ancient or alternative world where the protagonists must use their wits and weapons to survive. We contrast this with high fantasy (which we are not interested in) where quests taken on behalf of the rulers are world shaking. We are much more interested in the street level like the Fafhrd and Gray Mouser tales of Fritz Leiber and the Conan/Bran Mak Morn tales of Robert E. Howard.
Finally, we will consider gothic and supernatural horror. We won’t define this directly, but this is a market to submit vampire, werewolf, ghost, and cryptid fiction. Be warned, it would be best to use these creatures in one of the previously mentioned genres as that would be a quicker path to publication.
Now that we’ve established genres, here are some flavors which would be acceptable:
These are some elements which we always want to see:
What is never acceptable regardless of genre is the following:
What we are not looking for:
Plots which are a hard sell:
Y’know what? Send these as we might just like them:
On magic and magic systems: The writer should work through some sort of system that is fairly easy to understand and explain. Long passages of explanation are boring and bring your plot to a halt. Have some logic so there’s no handwave-ium, but don’t become an essayist in the middle of a story.
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